Boda Games

Kickstarter Do’s and Don’ts #1

So you’re running a Kickstarter campaign for your next board game! Those are some exciting times. You’ve probably been scouring the internet. Trying to get any and all advice you can get on how to run a successful campaign. The good news is, Kickstarter is huge. HUGE. So there is plenty of advice to go around. A lot of veterans are sharing their experiences online. The downside? Most of it is from the same perspective.    At Boda Games, we’ve been through our fair share of Kickstarters. We remember when our very first customer told us “I’m trying this thing called Kickstarter.” However, we are not game designers. Nor are we publishers. We are a board game manufacturing company. We make board games. And together with all of you, and with a little bit of help from Kickstarter, that is what we are here to do. So allow us to tap into some of our experiences and share a few do’s and don’ts with all of you. Here are some do’s and don’ts for Kickstarters that we have gathered over the past few year. But from a manufacturing point of view.  DO: When you run a Kickstarter, you will set up stretch goals. Heck,...


Boda Games hosts online seminar Tuesday 28th 19:00 EST

Boda Games hosts an online seminar this Tuesday the 28th, starting at 19:00 EST. At boda games we are always excited to partake in events related to the board game industry. Usually these events will be at conventions. Panels, presentations, contests and other events. So when we were asked if we wanted to talk about board game manufacturing, we said yes without second thought. Because we love talking about board game manufacturing! It’s our bread and butter, it’s what we do every day from early morning until late at night. Unless we are at a convention, talking to publishers about it. Unfortunately right now, it is difficult for anyone to attend conventions. The whole world is restraining themselves from going outside and gathering in groups. So we have to get creative and find different ways to connect with each other. And one way to do that, is by organizing an online version of a convention! When the people from EESPEAKS explained the concept, we were intrigued. Although it is our first time, we are excited to be part of an online presentation. What will the seminar cover? Our director and one of the most knowledgeable people about board game manufacturing, Jeff Zhou, will do...


Boda Games Manufacturing Chinese New Year 2020

Boda Games Chinese New Year break 2020

Boda Games Chinese New Year break 2020. Even meeples need a break every now and then! So last week all our factory meeples took a well deserved break. They put the figurative and literal dice down, halted the production machine. And travelled home to spend some time with their family and loved ones. Far away from the hustle and bustle of games manufacturing. Until next month, when everyone comes back recharged and ready to go! And at the end of this week, our office meeples are also finally getting the rest they need! Except for a few of us, who are flying out to Nuremberg early next week for the Spielwarenmesse 2020. So when you see us in Nuremberg, come say hi and we will gladly wish you and everyone else a happy Chinese New Year! Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! To summarize: • Our factory will halt production from January 15 until February 10. • Our sales office will be out of office from January 24 until January 30. But of course we will always be available for urgent matters! But please give us a bit more time than usual to get back to you. ...


Boda Games looks back on 2019 – part 2

Last week we looked at Boda Games on 2019 - Part 1 for Boda Games in the year 2019. We talked about the artwork guidelines project, the new website and more. But we left out one crucial part - the games! As anyone who works in the industry can confirm, the games are what makes all of our jobs fun. For us at Boda Games we manufacture all types of games. The variety in games that passes through our hands in a year is huge. And every now and then when we get a chance, we sit down and play them! So let us introduce some of our favourite games  from 2019.   Reavers of Midgard     BGG says: Reavers of Midgard is a single worker placement game with elements of set collection, dice combat and engine building set in the Champions of Midgard universe. In Reavers of Midgard, you'll be looking to gain glory by raiding nearby villages for their riches, sacking well-fortified castles and battling both man and monster on the open seas. You'll not only need to take your rowdy crew of vikings and the food needed to keep them happy along for the ride but you'll also have to recruit a crew of elite...


Boda Games looks back on 2019 – Part 1

2019: Time once again seems to have flown by in 2019 for all of us at Boda Games Manufacturing. Just last week we were in Philadelphia at the PAX Unplugged 2019 convention having a blast with all our fellow gamers. And with that, convention season for 2019 is officially a wrap! Saying we had a great year would be an understatement, so let's take a moment and look back at some of the highlights for us this year.  First things first, before we talk about all the games we had the pleasure of being the manufacturer of. On January 7th Boda Games launched it's completely renewed website. Yes, it was long due but we'd say it was worth the wait? With the new website, it is easier than ever to learn about Boda Games. And our board and card game manufacturing solutions. We think that as a manufacturer, it is important to communicate with our customers as much as possible. After all, Boda Games is in China but the vast majority of our customers are somewhere else in the world. As such, one of our goals with the new website was to get more information to our customers.   How do you ask?...


Dice design guidelines

Dice are one of the most ubiquitous items in the board game industry. You can use them for almost anything, design them in every shape, colour and size you like. Because a dice is not just limited to numbers, you can put (almost) any image on there. And on top of that, it’s just fun to roll dice. When you’re designing dice for your game, it is important to keep a few things in mind. First of all, check what type of dice (material) you will be using. There are some minor yet not insignificant differences between the different types of dice. The different types will be explained in detail below, as well as in this article. The vast majority of dice are made from resin, acrylic or wood. The differences between resin and acrylic dice mostly stem from different production methods, as they are similar in appearance for the most part. The choice between resin and acrylic dice depends on the quantity needed. Besides the choice for dice material, there are different methods to put the design on the dice. Laser engraved  A laser engraved dice has layers of the surface burned off with a laser. The laser is extremely precise...


Dice Debunked: Acrylic or Resin?

Acrylic or Resin? The age old question. Dice are one of those things that seem simpler than they are. At Boda Games we get a lot of questions from our customers about the different types of dice we offer. A very frequently heard one is as follows: “what is actually the difference between an acrylic die and a resin die?” Some of you industry veterans might not know it either, but feel embarrassed to ask. So today we will break it down in a way that everyone can understand. So read on and get ready to show off your new dice knowledge at your next gaming night! For starters, before we focus on what is the difference between a resin and acrylic die. Let’s have a look at what they have in common. When we talk about acrylic and resin dice, we are talking about molded dice. The base material of the dice is poured into the mold. For a resin die, the material inside the mold undergoes a chemical reaction in the mold that turns it from liquid to solid. For acrylic, after the material is poured into the mold it needs to cool down to solidify and consequently...


Pin-badge artwork guidelines

So you’ve seen them around at conventions. Those kick ass pins-badges adorning lanyards, bags, bright and shining. And now you want to make your own pin-badge! To promote your game, your company, or just because you have an awesome design in mind. But how? Artwork for pin-badges First things first, the artwork. When designing a pin-badge, keep in mind that there is a limit to how detailed it can be. The fewer lines and “parts” you use, the more effective the design tends to get. Although there is no fixed size for a pin-badge, most of them are between 2-5 centimeters in diameter, meaning they are pretty small.  Therefore, bright and bold colors tend to work best. Every part of the pin design can only have 1 color. So shading or gradual colors should be avoided when designing the pin. Because each part of the pin is separated by a thin silver line, having offsetting colors next to each other works very well.  The file itself can be a pdf or a single layer photoshop file. When making the artwork, you don’t have to “draw” the separation lines, we will do that for you at the factory when converting the artwork into the actual...


Pin-badge manufacturing with Boda Games

If you’ve visited any convention in the last few years, chances are you have seen other visitors donning pins. On their clothes, on their bags, on their lanyards, some people stick to one while others gather as many as they can. Pins are a great way to show your appreciation for a certain game or a publisher. They’re also an excellent conversation starter and a great way to meet like-minded people! Although pins have been around for a long time, the convention that really popularised it is without a doubt the PAX conventions held across America every year. Under the clever name “Pinny Arcade” Penny Arcade challenges their visitors to collect as many pins as possible. Some you find, some you have to face certain challenges for… Or you trade them with the next person.  Boda Games is a board and card game manufacturer at heart. But more than that, we are a manufacturing solution provider. As such, we are proud to announce that we are also able offer (enamel) pin manufacturing options. What’s more convenient than ordering pins together with your games. Have them shipped over together and you are ready to promote your game in style! Compared to local manufacturing...


Boda Games at Essen Spiel 2019!

Boda Games at Essen Spiel 2019! Hot on the tail of Gencon 2019 in Indianapolis, the board game industry is preparing itself for the next big convention. This time on the other side of the pond, the biggest board game convention in the world: Essen Spiel. Boda Games has been attending Essen Spiel since the early days and this year will be no exception. We have a booth in Hall 2, booth 2C108. There we will be waiting for you with brochures, sample boxes, games and much more! We are bringing a lot of great things to Essen this year. So don't miss out! To make sure that we can make as much time for you as needed, get in touch with us ahead of the show to set up a meeting. You can do that by sending us an email, or clicking right here. ...