Avatar: The Last Airbender Oh, My Cabbages!

Avatar: The Last Airbender Oh, My Cabbages!

Take Aang, Katara, Zuko and even the cabbage merchant around the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender while starting new cabbage stands, mastering the elements, looting coins from your opponents and sending security platypus bears to shut down the competition. Play as your favorite character and build your very own cabbage empire. Everyone else will be yelling, “Oh, my cabbages!”

Each round players take turns placing their merchant at different locations and performing corresponding actions: discovering locations, building cabbage stands, saving coins in the starting stand, looting other player’s stands, hiring employees, hiring benders, hiring security platypus bears to attack other stands, visiting Uncle Iroh’s tea shop to defend their stands, drawing messenger hawk cards, drawing defense cards, and claiming the 1st player token for next round.

Looting and attacking are resolved as they occur, and players may use benders to defend, and even counter to set up a bender duel. At the end of the round, players collect available income from their owned stands and begin the next round. In rounds 7-12, players are granted a 2nd merchant, taking turns in a “snake draft” order, and starting stand incomes increase.

At the end of the 12th round players count up their unspent coins plus hired employees (+2 coins), damage tokens (-2 coins), benders (+3 coins) and owned stands (+10 coins). The player with the most coins wins.


September 10, 2021


Golden Bell Games