Tales of the Fabulist: Fantasy Deck

Tales of the Fabulist: Fantasy Deck

Tales of the Fabulist is an interactive fiction device, a party game, an improvisation system, a drinking game, an ice-breaker at retreats, and an excellent gift for the young and old. You don’t have to be William Shakespeare to have a great time making sh*t up regaling your loved ones with a fabricated fable. Here’s how easy it is:

After the decks are shuffled and cards are dealt, The Fabulist begins by introducing the characters in the context of a grand quest upon which the characters will embark. The Fabulist has sixty seconds to weave the beginning of the tale, then play rotates clockwise. The next player selects a plot twist (PT) out of their hand and places it on the included playmat in the next open PT space. That player continues the story for 30 seconds, working in the words or phrases on the newly played card into the story. When the time runs out, draw a new plot twist card. Play continues clockwise. The lucky person who places the final plot twist card has sixty seconds to wrap up the story as best they can.

Now that the fable has ended, everyone gets to suggest a “Moral of the Story”. The player with the funniest moral wins the quest card. If your group is competitive, the person with the most quest cards at the end of the session wins.


March 13, 2022


Monkey Gun Games