Pre-production consultation

Pre-production consultation

As the old expression goes, there are many roads that lead to Rome. This is especially true when it comes to getting your files ready for printing and the entire pre-production process. In our experience, it is one of the most time-consuming and difficult parts of the game development process, that involves a lot of back and forth between the publisher, the manufacturer and everyone and everything else in between.

All of us at Boda Games try our best to work with our clients in order to avoid these common pitfalls and to speed up the process as much as possible. We have pre-production specialists among our staff who can answer any and all questions regarding things such as bleed, colours, formats and whatever else you may run into. 

But our pre production services extend far beyond that. We also gladly consult you in any production related matters and questions even far before the pre-production starts. A pre-production consultation can range from a very general conversation about your upcoming project. Or about the feasibility of the components you might be thinking about. In our experience, this back and forth between manufacturer and publisher can lead to great and innovative ideas!

And as the development of the game progresses, we are available at every step along the way to provide input and help you prevent common pitfalls when designing games, even before the design started. Last but not least, we love games just as much as you do! So we are always excited to talk about them. Get in touch with us and fire away with any and all questions you may have. Whether it is via e-mail, on the phone or face to face at any of the many conventions we attend. And we will try our utmost best to help you answer them and find the right solutions.