Boda Games brochure: if you’ve visited us at a convention, you will no doubt have received one from us. The brochure is our company introduction. In other words, it’s like a company wide business card.
In our latest brochure you will find countless examples of our products. Examples of the different areas of expertise we hold. The different types of board and care game components we can manufacture. Every game is different, and requires a different combination of components. Whether they are made from paper, wood, plastic or metal. Whether you need custom miniatures, or painted meeples, look no further. Boda Games offers a complete set of manufacturing solutions. Thus, we eliminate the need to deal with various manufacturers. In other words, a one-stop solution.
Each of the main components groups have pages dedicated to them. To show the diversity of products. And to provide high quality, close up shots of the products we have worked on.